cool sites:
harper2k web found from yt this freak made a dj set with 3 mp3 players and a dream. the zine rox ( astrid ztar) sick ass comics and cool yt vidsz :3
i love spreading misinformation found this on reddit trying to find gifs (didn't work) but found a cool site anyway ^^
LAMEZONE thank you cate wurtz for exsisting because if you didnt. crow cillers wouln't and oh also like that weird littel album with the dogs idk what its called david leo website cool dude i found from yt- vid is in the short films page
shitty kick flips cool chick that makes cool music and one yt video i watched god bless
RIPLEYSITE my friends site grgrgr (i am helping with the short film )
MAGsITEEE my girlfriends website chex it out :p
my youtube posting this here but also on my portfolio page, idk im not gonna get anywhere close to the algorithm but i make weird edited videos sometimes (but i lost my digicam..... rip canon powershot something something...
a drunk article on twin fantasy
the mouse house??? old website i found using wiby c:
Wiby old internet explorer- only seareches for websistes that don't use javascript so a lot from the 90s and early 2000s
Project Earth arg website website that goes along with the project earth yt channel, really fun arg :) lmk what u find out
photomosh online make fun glitchy breakcore gifs and shit
awii's neocites world! fucking love this guy
AC chan make your own jingle with one word
Spacehey live your myspace scene queen dreams
friendworld!!!!!!!!! i dont think u can make an acc anymore but i love this site its silly af
kanopy movie site where u can put your library card in and watch lots of FREE films! (where i watched possesion) cool site they have free movies too with no ads!!!!!
every MLP episode on internet archive